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Why are my translated terms not counted?

I have translated many term from yesterday until now. It has been around 30 terms already. But when i check in my user page, there are only 3 terms counted. Could you please kindly explain why this happens?
  • Settore/Dominio: Tutte
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  • Created: 05:22, 1 June 2012

Risposte (1)


Hi Paris, thanks for reporting this issue. We will check this and get back to you soon.

10:10, 1 June 2012


Hi Paris, sorry for the long delay in getting back to you. Yes, the bug has now been fixed.

06:18, 22 October 2012


Hi Paris, I will do. Thanks for your support!

02:05, 5 June 2012

Paris Hien

I've just participated in termwiki translation not for long. Actually i don't know who is my project manager. Could you plz kindly help support me in reporting this matter? Thank you in advance!

01:48, 5 June 2012


Hi Paris, Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. We found a bug that was preventing terms from being saved. The bug has since been fixed. We are very sorry for this mistake.

23:34, 4 June 2012

Paris Hien

Hi Teditor, have you finished your check? If TermWiki do not give an exact count like this, we are disappointed to continue for translation distribution :(

22:45, 4 June 2012

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